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Calendars & Resources

Imagine: one place for parents to find everything they need.

...wouldn't that be great?
calendars that are always up-to-date

Help people become more engaged & involved.

Sync up your
Google Calendars.
Easily sync all of your calendars to your app. That means no extra work for you or anyone on your team! :)
Create intelligent calendar feeds.
Parents & students will be connected to the specific calendars they need (in addition to school-wide calendars).
Encourage people to become more involved.
Calendar events have built-in engagement tools - such as reminders, add events to personal calendars, embedded maps, etc.
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Tools & Resources

Give your community a clean & simple one-stop-shop.

Welcome & inform with a digital marquee.
Change the app marquee message to set the tone. Build in helpful calls-to-action & reminders.
Include all those tools, resources, documents.
Make it easy to access important resources wherever and whenever they're needed.
Create, publish & share dynamic newsletters.
Publish beautiful & intuitive newsletters with connected content & dynamic elements.
Easily connect to anything else you need.
Simplify how students & parents find social feeds, grades, account information, websites, etc.
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anything and everything that anyone could need.

App Grant Program

Get a custom branded app for your school - 100% free of chrage, no catch, no strings attached.
  • Apps are custom-built and provided by Legit Apps at no cost to your school ($3500 value).
  • The App Grant Program is funded in-part by Legit Apps and by family-friendly sponsors (national and/or local).
    We will secure the sponsors, but you'll have the opportunity to provide a preferred sponsors list. You also have approval/veto power before any sponsor displays in your app.
  • 100 free apps to be awarded in 2021 (first-come, first-served, pending qualification & approval).
    We will secure the sponsors, but you'll have the opportunity to provide a preferred sponsors list. You also have approval/veto power before any sponsor displays in your app.
  • Applications are now open.

Apply now!

Trusted by some of the world's most innovative schools - big and small: